A decade after the initial release of "The Fellowship of the Ring," Peter Jackson returns to Middle Earth with the first part of Tolkien's first classic, "The Hobbit."
The trailer gives us a glimpse at what promises to be another epic movie. In its portrayal of Bilbo Baggins, as in Tolkien's original portrayal, we find an individual content to stay at home, playing it safe. He thinks longingly of adventures, but would never dare to go on one. Yet there is a higher calling for this young hobbit - higher even than he or anyone else can imagine at the time of the story. You see, something or someone (as we find out from the wise Gandalf in "The Lord of the Rings") wants Bilbo to go on this journey for a bigger purpose, a world-changing purpose. The redemption of the world rests upon the choices of this comfortable, self-centered hobbit, and if he can break free from his self-centeredness and comfort to risk accepting the call.
There is a lot going on in this movie (and probably even more in the book that inspired it), but here at least we can identify: we are comfortable, largely self-centered people. And yet in the adventure of life, Someone has called us to a higher purpose, a greater mission. Like Bilbo, the choice is there before us. Will we take the first step out our door? Will we walk the path that we are called to walk, no matter where it may lead? Will we dare greatly, and in the process fulfill our God-given role in life?
The trailer gives us a glimpse at what promises to be another epic movie. In its portrayal of Bilbo Baggins, as in Tolkien's original portrayal, we find an individual content to stay at home, playing it safe. He thinks longingly of adventures, but would never dare to go on one. Yet there is a higher calling for this young hobbit - higher even than he or anyone else can imagine at the time of the story. You see, something or someone (as we find out from the wise Gandalf in "The Lord of the Rings") wants Bilbo to go on this journey for a bigger purpose, a world-changing purpose. The redemption of the world rests upon the choices of this comfortable, self-centered hobbit, and if he can break free from his self-centeredness and comfort to risk accepting the call.
There is a lot going on in this movie (and probably even more in the book that inspired it), but here at least we can identify: we are comfortable, largely self-centered people. And yet in the adventure of life, Someone has called us to a higher purpose, a greater mission. Like Bilbo, the choice is there before us. Will we take the first step out our door? Will we walk the path that we are called to walk, no matter where it may lead? Will we dare greatly, and in the process fulfill our God-given role in life?
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