So what's this blog about, anyways?

Hey!  My name is Adam and I am a pastor in central Virginia.  In my spare moments, you might see me at Baine's Bookstore in Appomattox with a cup of hot chocolate and a trusty Moleskine notebook, jotting down whatever comes into my head.

This blog will be a place to post and discuss some of these musings.  Some will be on passages of Scripture, or ideas about God, or happenings within the church.  Others will be on current news, books I've read or movies I've seen, or just about anything, really.

The initial plan is to post twice a week, once on something vaguely theological and once on a wider variety of topics.  We'll see how it works, and make adjustments as needed.

I hope you'll stop by from time to time and take a look over my shoulder.  Post a comment, ask a question, or join in the conversation.  However you engage, I hope you'll enjoy these Thoughts from the Pastor's Moleskine.

In Christ,

